Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid

Have you ever considered doing a hyaluron lip filler? Are you putting it off because you don't know much about the process or the hyaluronic acid itself? The truth is, hyaluronic acid is actually a natural substance that is pretty essential to your everyday life. From promoting healthier skin to helping you plump your lips, to treating dry eyes, hyaluronic acid seems to do it all!

What Is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a clear, gooey substance that is naturally produced by your own body. A large amount of hyaluronic is found in your skin, eyes, and connective tissue. While it has a variety of uses, lots of people take it as a supplement. It is also used in eye drops, injections, and topical serums. However, it's main function is to retain water, so your tissues stays moist and lubricated. The hyaluronic acid molecule holds 1000 times its weight in water!

What People Use Hyaluronic Acid For

Aside from it being a naturally produced substance, people use it for a multitude of reasons. It can be used as serums to sheet masks and even as injectables.

     Promotes healthier skin - Hyaluronic acid is most present in your skin, so taking supplements can help your skin feel and even look, more supple. Hydrating your skin reduces the appearance of wrinkles. This may explain why there have been studies that show that supplementing with hyaluronic acid can make skin appear smoother. Some dermatologists even inject fillers of this to keep skin looking firm and youthful.
     Joint Pain Relief - Your joints are naturally lubricated by hyaluronic acid. This keeps your bones from grinding uncomfortably, and painfully, together. Supplements of hyaluronic acid are helpful for people who suffer from osteoarthritis (a degenerative joint disease). Some people choose to be injected directly into the joints for pain relief, although injections may cause adverse effects.
     Dry Eyes - Hyaluronic acid is fantastic at retaining moisture and is therefore often used in the treatment of dry eyes. This acid is naturally found around the eyes and in eye drops. It's commonly used during eye surgeries to help reduce inflammation and speed up wound healing.
     Thinning Lips - Hyaluron pen lip filler is used by thousands of people who are trying to give life to their thin, or thinning, lips. With no needless, the process is non-invasive and painless. The tiny molecules of hyaluronic acid are transferred through the top layer of skin on your lips, with no needle, to transform lips from dry and thin to plump and full and supple.

When you are considering giving your lips a makeover, but don’t want to go through the process of painful injections, then hyaluron lips are the way to go. This hyaluron pen lips can handle is a safe and natural method since it only reaches the uppermost layer of the skin. It is not an enhancer, and it is not a chemical-laden, injection filler. A.W. Brows and Lashes utilizes a hyaluronic pen lips love – as it’s super non-invasive. You can plump your lips safely and still get the results you've always dreamed of! Call A.W. Brows and Lashes today to book your consultation and make your plumper lip dreams into a reality!


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